Getaway Hot Tubs - The Getaway That Never Ends
You’ve saved up some money for a vacation. You’ve got a week off and you want to treat yourself this year, again. You certainly deserve it, but let’s think about this…This routine of grinding it out all year long just to be able to blow off steam for a very short, very fast week… Is that really satisfying? What about the rest of the year? That’s the time that counts.Vacations can be a drag anyways. Consider the before and after you’re lounging on a recliner with a mai tai... The airports… The anticipation leading up to that vacation… The return to “reality” afterwards… What if there was a way you could spend that vacation money to ensure that each and every day felt like a vacation? There is...Master Spas Getaway Hot Tubs Given the Getaway's affordable prices and estimated monthly operation cost of $21.68, Getaway hot tubs are the getaway that won’t get away from ya (too much?).But really, Getaway hot tubs cost the same, if not less than you’d spend for an expensive distant place. The monthly operation cost is equivalent to about 4 espresso drinks. That's not bad at all. We offer excellent financing options as well. It’s never been easier to own your own hot tub.This year, spend that “treat yourself” money wisely. Get yourself a Getaway that begins on your back patio and never ends. Let’s face it. All you were going to do on vacation this year is sit in a hot tub with a cocktail anyway, right? Why spend a fortune and fly halfway around the world to do that when for about the same price, you could own a Master Spas hot tub... Begin every day with an invigorating soak. End each day with a soothing hydrotherapy massage. Enjoy the solitude, or invite your friends and host a BYOB party. When you’re ready, come visit us in Plano or Tyler. We’ll schedule you a private test soak in one of our Getaway hot tubs. Next year you can go someplace distant for vacation. This year, invest in something that will make you feel good those other 358 days out of the year.